Friday, January 7, 2011


So today was sort of my first day on the Nutrisystem diet.
It all started when I was looking at the photo albums with my mom. There were pictures of me when I was 16. It's funny how at the time I didn't feel skinny or thin, but now I can see that I was. The whole "new year" thoughts started kicking in, and I thought about the Nutrisystem diet again. I've thought about it before, but always had reasons to not try. I think I'm afraid of failing it, or wanting to quit right away. I hate feeling hungry . . . I like to eat. Probably more than I should. I really don't eat many "bad foods", I just eat too much. So my hope is that after doing this diet for a while, I will start to feel full earlier and be able to eat less every meal. I also need to listen when I get the "full" signals from my body. I like to eat, so sometimes I keep eating when I am full, to either not waste food, or keep eating something that I like. Bad habits. Not healthy. So I am trying to change them.
So the food came yesteray, and I picked the box up today; definitely earlier than I expected. I was hoping it wouldn't come until Monday, so that I could have this weekend as a kind of last hurrah. Well, then I opened the box and got excited by all of the different foods to try and the possibilities waiting at the end of the 28 days. So since I had no plans for tonight, but I might want to eat out tomorrow, I decided that I would start tonight.
So I had salisbury steak with salad. It was good, a lot better than I thought it would be, considering that it's coming from a shelf-stable package. It was pretty filling too.

So in other exciting news, I got four free tickets to the Daily Show on February 17! I was on the Facebook during the day and saw the post for free tickets to the Show on the wall. So I responded quickly enough and got them! The more I think about it, the more excited I get! I know that the tickets are overbooked, so I will be sure to get there early. :D Yippee!

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