Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 4

So I'm getting into the diet thing. And now I'm getting to the "you were happier before" thoughts, and desires to binge on something. I don't hate the diet food per say, I just really want to put more food into my mouth. It's so hard to change your mindset. I've been really good so far, but thoughts always go to "well, now you have to do this forever or you'll gain all of your weight back." Something about it makes me cringe. Forever is a long time. And part of me wants to be able to eat as much as I want every meal. Even though it's not healthy, and will keep me at this weight. I'm not obese, just overweight. But I could be thinner. I know I've gained weight, during med school and even college. Maybe doing this diet for a long enough time will make me not have these excess cravings. Gum helps :) So does looking at my belly. I even lost 6 pounds in one week, but I don't know that I trust my scale. But I did lose something, I suppose. The pounds will be harder to lose as I go on.
I have gone to the gym yesterday and today, which is something too. It's so hard to get into the habit and so easy to fall out. I have experienced this so many times before. Maybe another successful weigh-in will help with motivation.
Right now, one day at time seems to be the way to think.

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