Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Jets and Moving On

So anyone who follows football knows that the Jets lost to the Steelers on Sunday. It was a heartbreaking moment for my dad, brother and I. It was different than everyone else discussing their sadness. David and I wouln't say anything. I actually cried, which I was entirely surprised by. The Jets had been doing so well this season, rose against the Patriots and the critics, and then lost. They screwed up in the first half, and tried to rally during the second, but they coudn't score three touchdowns. It's easy to say "maybe next year," but with the NFL, you never know what next season will bring, with injuries and trades, or just plain old bad games. It's hard to guess when they'll be in this position again. But that's football, I guess. Only one team can win each year. I'll be rooting for Green Bay in two weeks, because they are green, not in the Jets division, and to irritate Brett Favre.

The other thing that pissed me off were the comments on facebook from Jet haters. I don't know what it is about the Jets, but people just like to get on them. A Giants fan and a Patriots fan kept making posts trashing the Jets, and it kept getting to me, so I finally blocked their posts from my wall. It's funny how people talk so much trash when their team was watching the game on TV.

So I've slowly recovered, but now I have a cold, plus I have to write a paper due Friday on an ambulatory care topic of my choice. Such a hassle, but to be fair, this is a really easy rotation.

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