Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy 2011! And happy new blog!

I don't know what this will become. I just felt like maybe if I document my life, it will be useful in the future. Maybe I will meet someone and tell the story. Maybe it will help me collect my thoughts.

So let me introduce myself. I am Laura J. I am 25, I currently live in Pennsylvania. I am in my fourth and last (TG!) year of medical school. I am currently almost finished interviewing for pediatric residency positions in the Northeast. This part of my life isn't too difficult, but it was rough when I started, and it will be rough again when I start residency. Let's not get too far ahead of myself here.

I am Jewish. I am the oldest of 3 children (1 sister. 1 brother.) In my free time, I like to knit, hang out with my friends and family, veg in front of the computer and read. I like the NY Jets (heading to the playoffs! yippee), Seinfeld, Facebook.

I will tell more about myself as time goes on I'm sure. I don't know if anyone will read this. So right now, its for me.

Laura J

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