Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two days left in A-town

I only have two days left in Allentown, which is pretty exciting. After Thursday (as long as I pass the Shelf exam), I only have one rotation left! It is Dermatology, which should be cake. Now, I am trying to decide on my rank order list. I keep weighing hospital versus location. I don't want to be lonely, but each hospital has their plusses and minuses. I would be super awesome if I get my top choice, or even one of the top three, but below that, I'm pretty undecided. I've been talked out of going to Delaware; I really wish the hospital was closer to Philly, because 45 min is really too much to drive morning and evening everyday for three years.

Waiting to hear if I will be moving is hard for other reasons. I feel lonely now, and feel the desire to J-date again. It comes on so seldomly lol, but now I feel like there's no point. It's kind of silly to tell a guy on a blind date that you may be moving 2 hours away in a few months. Maybe a year ago it would have been okay, or I could even stay in Philly now if I had met someone. So now I have to wait until match to see what happens. I have to promise myself that I will go on dates even if I am tired; otherwise I will never go out at all. Part of me wishes to meet someone in residency, which is still a possibility but not something I can bank on at this point. We shall see what happens.

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