Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two days left in A-town

I only have two days left in Allentown, which is pretty exciting. After Thursday (as long as I pass the Shelf exam), I only have one rotation left! It is Dermatology, which should be cake. Now, I am trying to decide on my rank order list. I keep weighing hospital versus location. I don't want to be lonely, but each hospital has their plusses and minuses. I would be super awesome if I get my top choice, or even one of the top three, but below that, I'm pretty undecided. I've been talked out of going to Delaware; I really wish the hospital was closer to Philly, because 45 min is really too much to drive morning and evening everyday for three years.

Waiting to hear if I will be moving is hard for other reasons. I feel lonely now, and feel the desire to J-date again. It comes on so seldomly lol, but now I feel like there's no point. It's kind of silly to tell a guy on a blind date that you may be moving 2 hours away in a few months. Maybe a year ago it would have been okay, or I could even stay in Philly now if I had met someone. So now I have to wait until match to see what happens. I have to promise myself that I will go on dates even if I am tired; otherwise I will never go out at all. Part of me wishes to meet someone in residency, which is still a possibility but not something I can bank on at this point. We shall see what happens.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It becomes difficult to update when you don't have internet in your room. sigh....

Anyway, I'm back in Philly for the weekend. I only need to go back to Lehigh for Monday and Tuesday, and then I'm done, which is awesome obviously! I also need to study for neurology, which is super annoying, but of course I don't have a choice. I haven't taken a shelf exam since June, and I haven't really studied since then either. But after this, I will be done with exams until Step 3 in residency. I will never be able to say that I am done with exams. They just come with the doctor territory.

In more exciting news, I went to the Daily Show on Thursday! We got in and it was awesome. I'm writing down the whole story of the day, so when it's done, I will post it here.

Monday, February 14, 2011


So, too weeks down in Lehigh. Yippee! Neuro is going by decently, considering the amount of time I spend waiting in the library on the computer. There isn't much for med students to do around here. This month has been pretty busy, which is good, because it cuts up the week so well. Less time needs to be spent lying around here.

Nutrisystem is going very well. As of last week, I've lost 16 pounds, which is insane. I bought a size 8 dress from The Limited. My thoughts now go to keeping the weight off after I switch back off of Nutrisystem. It's easier to eat the portioned meals and turn down junk and snacks, but making it a part of a lifestyle change will be the next challenge.

In other aspects of life, I'm trying to figure out my rank order list. It's hard to figure out the order of where I may live. Hopefully, I'll get my first choice, but everything needs to be considered. The middle choices are the hardest to put in order. I'm trying to consider where other young people live and where I'd like to live at this point. At some point, it will become a crapshoot, but in the meantime, I'm tossing all the possibilities in my head. Time will tell, right?